Sunday, January 6, 2013

Forgiving and being Forgiven

This week at Torch, we had a truly exceptional experience. Gabby led us in some truly Spirit-filled worship as Kris took a week to refresh. We discuss the compelling story of the Woman Caught in Adultery in John 8. It's amazing to see such anger and spite from the religious leaders countered by such love, grace, and compassion from Jesus. This woman met an angry mob, and the pain of that experience could've caused her to walk away from this with anger and resentment in her heart. But that would only lead her to become like those religious leaders. But what began from this painful experience ended with an encounter with her Creator. It took this angry mob to throw her into the arms of Christ. And that makes it worth it! So what does this all mean for us? It means that we cannot allow resentment towards those who have cause us pain to rule our lives. It means two things: First, others will sin against you in your life...forgive them. Second, you will sin against God in your life...accept His forgiveness. The more fully we realize that we are no longer condemned because of Christ, the more we desire to go and leave our life of sin! So, Christian, who do you need to forgive today?

Another exciting part of our worship this morning was the exciting announcement at the end. I had the exciting privilege to introduce 2 more young men who have received Christ into their lives over the past week. That makes 4 salvations in the past 2 weeks!! God is moving and people are encountering Christ as powerfully as the Woman Caught in Adultery!!!

Pray for Torch, pray for me.
BJ Sanders

Isaiah 60:1-2
Arise, shine, for your light has come,
and the glory of the Lord shines over you.
For look, darkness covers the earth,
and total darkness the peoples;
but the Lord will shine over you,
and His glory will appear over you.

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