Have you ever tried walking around your house with your eyes closed? I mean, just try it. For 10 minutes, just close your eyes. Or if you aren't disciplined enough, then blindfold yourself and challenge yourself to place your self into the world of a blind person for a while. It's hard. It's genuinely very difficult. Chances are, by the time your finished, you'll have a few new bruises and a little more humility from the the experience. Yet, when Jesus encounters a man born blind from birth in John 9, he doesn't immediately heal him. Think about it. He requires the guy to go off and find the pool of Siloam with mud all over his face. Indeed, following Christ can sometimes be very difficult. But it is in his obedience that he is blessed with restoration, which gave him a resolve for Christ, which brought about Jesus' rescue, that concluded in the man's repentance. Yes, Jesus has power, and His power will be made known in our lives, when we too live in obedience to Him.
As difficult as it would be for us to navigate our way through life with our eyes closed, so it is with someone who does not yet know Christ. How difficult even the simple hardships in life must be without eternal vision. If you have experienced his restoration in your soul, then I too hope that like the man in John 9, you take a stand for Jesus and have the courage to tell your story. Others need to see. They are blind, and you have the answer to their spiritual darkness. Who is someone you need to share the light with today?
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