This Sunday was a strange mixture of melancholy and relief, and appropriately so. We were all unsettled by the tragic events that took place Friday in Connecticut. And while we daily rejoice in our salvation, to have tried and created a spirit of celebration in our worship would've certainly been forced. The highlight of our Sunday morning was most definitely hearing the testimonies of those who journeyed to New York to serve with the Hurricane Sandy Relief efforts. It fit, hearing how we made such a positive impact in the aftermath of one disaster immediately on the heels of another. So a conversation about tragedy was appropriate. I have to admit, Sunday's message about God in Tragedy may very well have been the most difficult message I've ever had to deliver. I'd much rather preach a sermon about joy than suffering, abundant life than despair. But the suffering and despair that has shocked our culture demanded otherwise. So, we love our friends, family, and children a little more authentically this week. We pray for those affected. As in genuinely beg and plead with God for His mercy and compassion for them, and His protection for us. Sin is overtaking our world. But not forever. The violence of God's love will win. So we pray for Him to make Himself known. And we grieve. Grieving is a natural and appropriate response to the hurting that is felt.
Next Sunday, however, is going to be our Christmas celebration. It will be a unique Sunday, and I genuinely look forward to it. It all begins with a free Breakfast Buffet at PeeWee's starting at 9:30!!! This buffet is going to be the FULL spread!!!
Pray for Torch, pray for me.
BJ Sanders
I know I always close with this passage, which has become sort of a theme for this blog. But I hope that in light of today's post, you really read and understand it. How fitting it is.
Isaiah 60:1-2
Arise, shine, for your light has
and the glory of the Lord shines over you.
For look, darkness covers the earth,
and total darkness the peoples;
but the Lord will shine over you,
and His glory will appear over you.
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