It was sad news to hear this past week about the passing of Neil Armstrong. It is never easy to learn of death, but especially concerning an American hero. And what made him a hero? That he was part of something unimaginable and seemingly impossible! In fact, it's incredible to think how quickly from the onset of a Space Program being written into existence that Neil is stepping out onto the moon! It's amazing how quickly things can move forward when people rally together behind one common purpose, vision, and goal.
This is especially true when God is involved! It's amazing to think how quickly God is moving and working in Torch. It seems like only a few weeks ago that 20-something of us met together to decide that we not only want to commit together to launching a church, but that it was legitimately possible. Probably because it WAS only a few weeks ago! Now God has dropped a virtually perfect facility in our laps! And this Sunday will be the final Sunday meeting together at my home. We will begin meeting Sunday Sept 9th in the Reception Hall adjacent to PeeWee's Place Restaurant on Anderson Rd off Buttermilk Pike. There's already a Facebook Group:
But together, we have some work to do to prepare for Sunday the 9th. First, as we discussed last Sunday, we must all be growing and committed to right living. This means more than merely avoiding sin or being a bad influence. This means that we are actively living in such a way that we are setting an example to others in our speech, conduct, love, faith, and purity. And we will examine 1 Timothy 6:6-19 this Sunday and learn to have a right focus, preparing ourselves to be passionate for Christ alone and ready to fight the fight of faith.
To God be the Glory,
BJ Sanders
Isaiah 60:1-2
Arise, shine, for your light has come,
and the glory of the Lord shines over you.
For look, darkness covers the earth,
and total darkness the peoples;
but the Lord will shine over you,
and His glory will appear over you.
Isaiah 60:1-2
Arise, shine, for your light has come,
and the glory of the Lord shines over you.
For look, darkness covers the earth,
and total darkness the peoples;
but the Lord will shine over you,
and His glory will appear over you.
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