In the classic rock anthem from the 60's "Come Together," the Beatles speak unprecedented Christian truth when they encourage us to "Come together, right now, Over me." Sunday, we had our first Torch fellowship, and it was a blessing. Now I use the term "fellowship" loosely. True Christian fellowship entails God's people coming together right now over Jesus. Sunday, following a worship service where the presence of God was present and the music was powerful and Spirit-filled, we then all headed back to my house to come together right now over Jesus, but also the Bengals. It goes without saying that Jesus is far more satisfying than our Bengals as they lost yet again. But I must admit, it was the most enjoyable loss I believe I have ever watched. Because the Christian conversation and just being together with God's people, my church family, overshadowed the football game. It was indeed felt like a family reunion.
Our topic from Sunday sermon was that of humility. Remember your challenge this week.
If humility is indeed found in serenity, then beginning this week, start the journey of discovering contentment in every area of your life. Read a book. Share the Gospel. Be more concerned about honoring God in obedience than you are about impressing others with your image.
If humility is indeed subtle, then this week, bless someone else without them knowing it was you. Serve God silently.
If humility is indeed submission, then wherever in your life you've been holding back from God, let it go this week. And fully allow yourself to fall into step with His plan for your life.
I look forward to seeing you at Torch next Sunday morning.
Pray for me, pray for Torch,
BJ Sanders
Isaiah 60:1-2
Arise, shine, for your light has
and the glory of the Lord shines over you.
For look, darkness covers the earth,
and total darkness the peoples;
but the Lord will shine over you,
and His glory will appear over you.
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