Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Pulse Message - 3/18/12 - Love Worship

This past week at Pulse, the warm weather and spring fever must have kicked in, because we only had 17 show up for Pulse. Well, I initiated a new rule that we need at least 20 to create critical mass. So we cancelled Pulse and all jumped into the bus for food and shopping at the Crestview Town Center. The important part in all this is that our Pulse message schedule will be pushed back one week on everything. So here is this coming Sunday Pulse message. Also, since we are discussing Worship, I am going to try and make the worship especially excellent by including Noah Husseman on the Saxophone!! I've been leading Student Ministry for 12 years, and I've never incorporated a saxophone into worship...this is a first for me!!!

Pulse Message:
This week, we are going to continue to talk about the main characteristics or traits that I hope every one of you graduate out of FMBC Student Ministries as a fundamental part of your identity as a Christian. Last week, we talked about have a love and passion for church like Jesus loved the church. This week, we are talking about having a love and passion for worship. I hope every one of you understand worship and make time to take part in worshipping God every day of your life.

Acts 17:16-31 (The Message)

Worship can take on many forms. In fact, Romans 12:1 essentially tells us that our lives, our lifestyle, our every day actions and motives, become our worship and sacrifice to God. But typically, when we think of worship, we think of what? Right, music. There is something powerful about music. It connects to our emotions and can make us feel excited, or sad. I listen to Metallica in the car on my way to go play church softball. I listen to Eminem when I’m mad. I listen to Adele when I’m sad or upset. And if I’m just happy…I listen to Taylor Swift. But when I want to worship, I listen to Dave Crowder, or Chris Tomlin, or Hillsong United. Recently, and Jen can tell you how much she loves this, I’ve been sitting at home, I’ll turn on the x-box, put on headphones, open up Pandora, and for 3 or 4 hours, search Dave Crowder or Worship, or Praise and Worship, and I’ll within an hour, I’m connecting with God in the deepest part of my soul. No prayer, no Scripture, no sermon or study guide, just me and God and a good Pandora radio station. There’s something about music that connects to the very depths of our souls. And it’s in that moment that we can enter into true worship.

What is worship?
Simply put, worship is our response to God. “We love, because He first loved us” (1 John 4:19).

So how can you worship better?
Worship in humility, reverence, and service. Humility having the right attitude and showing God the proper authority He deserves. Reverence isn’t just not running in the sanctuary, but is showing God the proper respect He deserves. And service is having the right heart and showing God the proper surrender that He deserves.

Long story short is this: Worship is the humble response of redeemed Christians to the self-revealing Most High God. It is based upon the work of God. It is achieved through the activity of God. It is directed to God. It is expressed by the lips in praise and by the life in service.

So we worship through our prayer and devotional life. We worship through our life testimony and sharing God’s goodness and the Gospel with others. And we worship in song. So let me challenge you. When was the last time that you genuinely worshipped God? I mean with humility, reverence, and service, you actually responded to God love with authentic heartfelt worship? Did you worship tonight, or did you just sing a couple songs, or did you not even really pay attention? Do you even try to worship at Pulse?

I’m going to challenge you with 2 things. First, for the next week, as much as you have control, only listen to Christian music. 93.3, 90.1, 104.3, on Pandora, whatever. For one whole week, only listen to Christian, and see if this time next week, you don’t have a better, more positive outlook on life. And see if you don’t just feel more connected with God. I’m telling you, it really does make a difference.

Second, this one is going to be simple. We’re going to play a music video. I want you to pay attention to the lyrics, but I don’t want you to sing. I want you to take this time to evaluate your heart of worship and have a conversation with God. If you have failed to worship Him, then repent of that. And I hope all of you will make a commitment right now with your ultimate love that you will take serious His worship.

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