So last weekend, I had the incredible opportunity to witness and take part in some of the incredible work that true heroes are doing in the name of Christ. Countless volunteers were willing to give their vacations and retirements not to golf in Florida, but rather to make a difference and leave an impact on a hurting community. These noble heroes stepped into the disaster zones from the recent tragic tornadoes that struck Indiana and Kentucky.
Images and videos do not do justice to the visual of entire communities laying in ruin and only chimney's protruding from the ground where there was once someone's home. Not just a house, but a home. Not merely a shelter, but memories, and family treasures which were dashed away in a moment by the power of nature. And these heroes entered into their world now lost, and with their words they spoke words of comfort and encouragement. With their hands they began the slow and painful process of clearing away the shambled homes and debris that lay across the countryside, and took the initial steps toward rebuilding the lives of countless people. Some they merely walked alongside through this painful experience. Others these heroes carried along into the frontier of new beginnings...reminding them that we do not forget the past, but remember that God holds great things in store for our tomorrows.
And so this experience has given me a new perspective on a fundamental question in Christianity, "Why do bad things happen to good people?" My answer used to be simply because we live in a fallen world, and our sinfulness creates bad experiences in this life for the other people around us. Someone loses their job because someone else lied about something or made selfish decisions. Someone loses a child because someone else commits murder. You get the idea. Also, since the fall of man into sinfulness in the garden, the world in which we live also bears the consequences of our sin. The ground began producing thorns, and mankind began abusing the earth. Now, the earth too is withering away into chaos.
But this answer is no longer sufficient for me. Indeed, I believe now that God still does not create tragedy, but that He IS glorified through it! And so, while God could stop the storms in life from coming, I do not believe that He should. I say this for two reasons. First, through the tornado disaster, I was able to witness a global community of believers unify and join together in a Holy cause of giving relief and expressing love where there was none. I was moved when I looked upon a hillside to see and army of people in orange shirts coming together to do their part to make the world a better place. When God's people are unified, His name is Glorified.
Second, and this is difficult to express without having gone through the tragedy first hand, but I believe that the men and women I met who are victims of the tragedy are better off for eternity because they will have walked through this season of disaster. God's purpose in our life isn't to make us prosperous, but to sanctify make us more like Jesus. On the day I was a part of this relief effort, I had the opportunity to be a part of a conversation where two individuals crossed over from death into life. Many more I talked with had a reinvigorated hope and passion for life. Never again will they take for granted the blessings of this life. In the few weeks Samaritans Purse and the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association Rapid Response Team was on site, over 30 people discovered God's love for them for the first time, and a multitude more were reminded that possessions aren't the most important thing to live for. God was praised in the midst of this tragedy, and when God is praised, His name is Glorified.
It is for these reasons that I believe bad things happen to good people. No, God does not cause or create disaster. Nor does he prevent it. Because for most people, it will take bringing their life into shambled pieces analogous to a tornado ravishing a home in order to realize that there is a God, and that His Glory is all that matters. And even more so, it is in His name being Glorified that I can experience true joy and happiness. For everything else in life...there is insurance.
This is the place where I will share my honest thoughts about the state of Ministry at Torch Community Church as well as communicate the events and status of our Ministry.
Monday, March 26, 2012
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Pulse Message - 3/25/12 - Love Others
are in the middle of a series of messages talking about the sequence of six main
characteristics or traits that I hope every one of you graduate out of FMBC
Student Ministries. Essentially, 6 fundamental aspects of a person who is
radically surrendered to Christ. So we’ve already talked about having a love
and passion for church and having a love and passion for worship. This week, we
are talking about having a love and passion for people. Essentially, Following Christ into Radical Surrender demands a Love for
Each Other. God’s love for us compels us to love others. His Holy Spirit within
us gives us a unique connection to other Christians. And His commands give us a
unique calling to the world.
10:1-4; 16-20
first instruction to the 72 was that they pray. When He said that the harvest
was plentiful, Jesus meant that there was much work to do to bring the gospel
of the kingdom to everyone. His disciple messengers were few in proportion to
the large task. Therefore the disciples needed to pray God to send every
qualified messenger out into the “field” and that none would fail to
participate in this mission. This verse expresses Jesus’ desire for more
workers and for full participation by the workers who were available. And our
main task it to pray.
second instruction to the 72 is to go. The sheep among wolves pictures the
dependent and vulnerable position of His disciples among hostile adversaries.
They needed to trust in and pray to God. Jesus sent them out as missionaries.
Jesus was speaking as the Shepherd of His sheep. I hope every one of you are
actively praying for the salvation of your friends. That your non-Christian or
unchurched friends would come to love Christ. Undoubtedly the 72 prayed as they
conducted their mission trip, but they also preached. Jesus did not tell them
just to pray for God to make the people responsive but also to proclaim the
gospel to them. Neither did He tell them simply to go out and do good works.
Praying for the lost and proclaiming the Gospel should go hand in hand whenever
possible. So we trust God’s Sovereignty. We pray for God’s grace and mercy. And
we go as God’s ambassadors.
We all have a good idea of how to pray. But what is
the Gospel and how do you proclaim it?
The Gospel in a minute:
1. God loves you and has a plan for your life to live a
joy-filled relationship with Him forever.
2. But we have turned away from God’s abundant plan and
chose to live for ourselves. That is called sin.
3. Our sin has permanently separated us from God both now
and for eternity. And the price we have to pay for our sins is death.
4. But because He loves us, He wasn’t satisfied to leave
us in this spot. So He stepped into our situation and did something about it.
He sent His only Son, Jesus Christ, God in the flesh to pay the price for us.
He allowed Himself to be crucified on a cross and died that God can now forgive
us of our sins. And he rose from the grave that we may have eternal abundant
life in Him.
5. So how do we respond to this? You can either reject
what God has done for you, or you can accept Christ into your life, commit to
living your life for Him, and enter back into a joy-filled relationship with
God forever.
This whole story deals with
the joy that is only experienced by disciples who participate in God’s plan for
their life. The greatest and most fundamental reason for rejoicing for any is
his or her personal salvation. Yet there is additional joy for followers of
Christ who take part in God’s plan for salvation and advance His will in the
world. It involves seeing a preview of the final victory over the forces of
evil. Being this type of Christian is going to be harder, and there is
rejection and hardships that only you will know. This joy more than compensates
for the deprivations and rejection that discipleship entails. A follower of
Christ who does radically surrender to God’s plan for their life by
passionately loving others knows nothing of this joy.
Before we make this personal,
I want you to notice one more thing. What is the next Bold Sub-Heading in your
Bible? This immediately precedes the story of the Good Samaritan. Do you think
it is a coincidence that Jesus leads and teaches his followers to love people
to the point of proclaiming the Gospel and then follows it up with a story
about a guy who shows incredible love and compassion to his enemy? Don’t limit
salvation to just your friends.
let’s become like the original disciples of Christ for a minute. As you leave
here, you are going to be sent out 2 by 2 back into your great mission field
affectionately called the public school. I want everyone to pair off and for
the 2 of you to come up with a list. I want you to think of one unchurched
person that you will begin praying for, and one non-Christian person that you
will look for and create opportunities to proclaim the Gospel to. So one friend
that you are praying for and one friend that you will try to reach for Christ.
What will that look like? I hope you are making opportunities at school or
after school to engage these friends in spiritual conversations. And at some
point in the next month or so, to intentionally and verbally present the Gospel
to that friend. After you have done that, or if you are completely
uncomfortable doing that, then you secondary goal is to get both these friends
to begin attending Pulse with you regularly every week!
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Pulse Message - 3/18/12 - Love Worship
This past week at Pulse, the warm weather and spring fever must have kicked in, because we only had 17 show up for Pulse. Well, I initiated a new rule that we need at least 20 to create critical mass. So we cancelled Pulse and all jumped into the bus for food and shopping at the Crestview Town Center. The important part in all this is that our Pulse message schedule will be pushed back one week on everything. So here is this coming Sunday Pulse message. Also, since we are discussing Worship, I am going to try and make the worship especially excellent by including Noah Husseman on the Saxophone!! I've been leading Student Ministry for 12 years, and I've never incorporated a saxophone into worship...this is a first for me!!!
Pulse Message:
week, we are going to continue to talk about the main characteristics or traits
that I hope every one of you graduate out of FMBC Student Ministries as a
fundamental part of your identity as a Christian. Last week, we talked about
have a love and passion for church like Jesus loved the church. This week, we
are talking about having a love and passion for worship. I hope every one of
you understand worship and make time to take part in worshipping God every day
of your life.
17:16-31 (The Message)
can take on many forms. In fact, Romans 12:1 essentially tells us that our
lives, our lifestyle, our every day actions and motives, become our worship and
sacrifice to God. But typically, when we think of worship, we think of what?
Right, music. There is something powerful about music. It connects to our
emotions and can make us feel excited, or sad. I listen to Metallica in the car
on my way to go play church softball. I listen to Eminem when I’m mad. I listen
to Adele when I’m sad or upset. And if I’m just happy…I listen to Taylor Swift.
But when I want to worship, I listen to Dave Crowder, or Chris Tomlin, or
Hillsong United. Recently, and Jen can tell you how much she loves this, I’ve
been sitting at home, I’ll turn on the x-box, put on headphones, open up
Pandora, and for 3 or 4 hours, search Dave Crowder or Worship, or Praise and
Worship, and I’ll within an hour, I’m connecting with God in the deepest part
of my soul. No prayer, no Scripture, no sermon or study guide, just me and God
and a good Pandora radio station. There’s something about music that connects
to the very depths of our souls. And it’s in that moment that we can enter into
true worship.
is worship?
put, worship is our response to God. “We love, because He first loved us” (1
John 4:19).
how can you worship better?
in humility, reverence, and service. Humility having the right attitude and
showing God the proper authority He deserves. Reverence isn’t just not running
in the sanctuary, but is showing God the proper respect He deserves. And
service is having the right heart and showing God the proper surrender that He
story short is this: Worship is the humble response of redeemed Christians
to the self-revealing Most High God. It is based upon the work of God. It is
achieved through the activity of God. It is directed to God. It is expressed by
the lips in praise and by the life in service.
we worship through our prayer and devotional life. We worship through our life
testimony and sharing God’s goodness and the Gospel with others. And we worship
in song. So let me challenge you. When was the last time that you genuinely
worshipped God? I mean with humility, reverence, and service, you actually
responded to God love with authentic heartfelt worship? Did you worship
tonight, or did you just sing a couple songs, or did you not even really pay
attention? Do you even try to worship at Pulse?
going to challenge you with 2 things. First, for the next week, as much as you
have control, only listen to Christian music. 93.3, 90.1, 104.3, on Pandora,
whatever. For one whole week, only listen to Christian, and see if this time
next week, you don’t have a better, more positive outlook on life. And see if
you don’t just feel more connected with God. I’m telling you, it really does
make a difference.
this one is going to be simple. We’re going to play a music video. I want you
to pay attention to the lyrics, but I don’t want you to sing. I want you to
take this time to evaluate your heart of worship and have a conversation with
God. If you have failed to worship Him, then repent of that. And I hope all of
you will make a commitment right now with your ultimate love that you will take
serious His worship.
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